Why Choose Medbillmaster?

Medbillmaster is a trusted and well-reputed medical billing company with a decent client base. It offers comprehensive and advanced Medical Billing services and solutions to healthcare providers across the United States of America. Our solutions are designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients and provide them with a seamless and technologically advanced billing experience.


Our team of high caliber professionals is skilled in defining, configuring, and implementing streamlined processes to improve efficiency, customer service, and quality...

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Medbillmaster has a well-built space with excellent IT support and security measures in place. This ensures that the organization can operate smoothly and securely.

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Medbillmaster demonstrates several strengths that contribute to its ability to provide effective revenue cycle services. Here's a summary of the strengths you mentioned:

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We guarantee HIPAA-compliant software and adhere strictly to confidentiality. Our staff has quarterly HIPAA meetings to discuss the importance of security and the fast changing health care industry. We have zero tolerance for any breach of confidentiality. Our server is monitored and protected with the most up to date firewall, insuring that no confidential information will be shared. HIPAA only provides general security guidelines that are specific to health care providers. Physician's Choice is focused on being more than simply compliant. We are inherently compliant through being fundamentally secure. The challenges of data security are daunting. Access to health care records can come from any number of places. We take security seriously and have never had a security breach.


The entire workforce is trained on privacy, security, and confidentiality. 24 X 7 security personnel manning our office.


Firewalls and antivirus software on all the computers are updated daily


All our employees must sign a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement

Satisfied Clients

Team Members

Successful Projects

Satisfaction Rate


Medbillmaster is focused on all aspects of revenue cycle management which include medical billing, medical coding, professional/institutional billing, contract management, patient access services, healthcare analytics, accounts receivable and denial management.

Professional/Institutional Billing

It includes handling of billing processes for both professional services (physicians) and institutional services (hospitals). This comprises coding, charge capture, claims submission, and follow-up on claims.

Patient Access Services

This involves activities related to patient registration, insurance verification, scheduling, and ensuring a smooth patient intake process.

Contract Management

This refers to the management of contracts between healthcare providers and payers, ensuring accurate reimbursement rates, terms, and compliance with contractual obligations.

Healthcare Analytics

We utilize healthcare analytics to analyze and interpret data related to revenue cycle management, identifying areas for improvement, optimizing performance, and making informed decisions.


Accurate and compliant medical coding is crucial for proper billing and reimbursement. Medbillmaster provides coding services which ensure that diagnoses, procedures, and services are appropriately coded for billing purposes.

Accounts Receivable and Denial Management

We manage accounts receivable by monitoring outstanding payments, following up on unpaid claims, and implementing effective denial management strategies to minimize claim denials and improve revenue collection.

Allied Services

Provider Credentialing

It assists physicians, practices, hospitals, and other healthcare institutions in the United States with the process of enrolling and credentialing with health insurance plans. This includes verifying provider professional records to ensure accuracy and compliance before enrollment.

Eligibility & Benefit Validation

Verifies patients' insurance information and determines coverage details before services are rendered. This helps ensure clean and timely claims, improve cash flow, reduce bad debts, and enables timely follow-up with patients, if necessary.


Our team coordinates with payers to obtain necessary approvals and per-certifications for specific procedures or inpatient admissions in accordance with health insurance guidelines. This proactive approach ensures that approvals are obtained well in advance of the scheduled services for the patient.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get detailed answers to your questions about medical billing in the U.S. This medical billing FAQ answers all the questions on the subject including medical coding eligibility and requirements.

  • How to Choose Medical Billing Services near me?

    For healthcare entities considering medical billing outsourcing, it is important to choose an experienced medical billing company that can provide error-free billing and coding services for their specific specialty. Finding the right partner near you is often a challenge. So, what are the factors to consider when selecting one?

    Check the company’s reputation

    Look for the firm’s experience. The more experienced the medical billing company you choose, the better they will be at providing satisfactory services. Also, check the firm’s track record and ensure they have a good reputation in the industry.

    Evaluate their knowledge of healthcare regulations

    Check whether the staff is provided regular training and whether they are up to date with current coding/billing standards. Make sure that the team is well-versed in the latest versions of ICD -10 and ICD-11 medical codes and related regulations.

    Ensure that they are HIPAA-compliant

    Make sure that the company adheres to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines, and that they are providing strict guidelines to their staff to protect confidential patient data.

    Discuss charges upfront

    Have a clear idea of the cost of their services before you sign up. Reliable companies will not have any hidden charges and they will be open to discussion as well. Also, they may provide discounts on large volume billing requirements. But make sure to prioritize quality service than cost.

    Reliable medical billing and coding companies can also assist healthcare providers with denial management.

  • That’s an easy one.

    1. We are medical billing experts. We know the industry inside and out and we are always up to date on the latest changes in coding, as well as the rules and regulations from varying carriers.
    2. Not only do we have extensive education and training in medical billing, we also have staff working around the clock, helping you get your cash faster.
    3. When you outsource your medical billing needs to us, you no longer have to worry about all of the overhead costs associated with hiring your own medical billing staff (benefits, salary, continued training, etc.).
    4. Get rid of those HR headaches. No more worries about managing billing staff salary, payrolls, benefits, vacations, sick days, etc.
    5. Repurpose billing personnel administrative space into revenue generating space/rooms.
    6. Our services are billed as a percentage of what we collect, assuring we will do everything possible to maximize payment and minimize A/R Days.
  • Once you have signed on as a client, your practice will be given a dedicated account executive. This person is your primary contact should any questions or concerns arise. You can relax knowing that we have taken on the burden of the medical billing process so you can focus on your patient care. Your account executive will also make in-person visits to ensure your front-end staff is following all protocols correctly for maximum efficiency, and we will notify you immediately when any changes arise. Our medical billing services are done on a percentage basis, so you can be assured that we will do everything possible to get you maximum payments for your claims.

  • We always work within the regulations and guidelines laid out by the Office of the Inspector General in the Compliance Program Guidance for Third Party Medical Billing Companies. Whether we are working with insurance carriers, patients, or you, we strictly adhere to the legal and ethical standards of medical billing.

  • It’s true that there are a lot of medical billing companies out there, but none of them are quite like Medbillmaster Medical Billing. For one, we are owned and operated by people who have been in the trenches as business managers of healthcare facilities. This provides the company with an insight into the methods needed for maximum efficiency, and our level of talent is simply unparalleled in the industry. Additionally, we take a proactive approach to medical billing, performing regular audits to catch errors before they become an issue. It’s also worth noting that we are a private company, so there are no stockholders controlling our operations—we only have to worry about keeping our clients happy.

  • Not only do we help with the negotiation, it is one of our specialties. We know that your contract plays a substantial role in your profits, and we have the experience and know how to get you the absolute best rates. We can either assist you at the negotiating table or we can serve as your representative—either way, we will get you what you deserve.

  • Absolutely. We understand how time consuming the process of credentialing can be, so we are here to help in whatever way we can. Whether that entails filling out paperwork or following up on your applications, we make the credentialing process easy.

What Our Clients Are Saying?


“I have a small two physician medical practice and initially we tried to do in-house billing. Once we started working with Medbillmaster we realized we were leaving a lot of money on the table. I have worked with Medbillmaster for the past 4 years.”

Sara Wilsson

"Accurate, Secure, and Well Organized Service. Completed the insurance verifications and authorizations process 2 weeks well in advance. Great Job! Thank you for the Support!"

Jena Karlis

"Our denials have significantly reduced since Medbillmaster took over the process and help us with eligibility verification and authorizations of procedures. I would recommend Medbillmaster highly to dentists looking to improve their insurance billing and reimbursement."

Matt Brandon

"Great Job ! Medbillmaster’s dental insurance verification and authorization service have made the world of difference for our billing and collections. Thank you for your hard work!"

John Larson

"Our denials have significantly reduced since Medbillmaster took over the process and help us with eligibility verification and authorizations of procedures. I would recommend Medbillmaster highly to dentists looking to improve their insurance billing and reimbursement."



Address 1: 145 West Ostend Street, Suit 600,
Baltimore, MD. 21230, USA
Address 2: 30 N Gould St Sheridan, WY 82801, USA




(Office) 410 415 9697
(Cell) 410 399 8386